Why Spas Need an 8-Week Launch Plan to Maximize Their Event Sales
Jul 13, 2021Why spas need an 8-week launch plan to maximize their event sales: as Launch Certified-spa experts, I and my spa marketing manager, Delia Taylor, will be digging deep into this topic for this week’s Spa Business Mastery blog accompaniment!
Due to a successful spa event (whether it be online or virtual!) having so many moving parts, what we have seen time and time again is spa owners not giving themselves enough time to plan their launch in order to maximize their sales. This isn’t a problem that plagues just new spa owners, either; even seasoned spa owners can fall into the trap of not putting in the time needed to make their event a success!
Without further ado, let’s jump into what you need to know (and why spas need an 8-week launch plan to maximize their event sales).
Firstly, Why Host a Spa Event?
Events can effectively cater to both your existing clientele and bring in your ideal demographic.
Spa events, whether they be virtual or online, provide a fun and interactive way for your spa’s followers, clients, and potential clients to:
- Hear about your business and what you do
- Learn about what you sell or a new product or service you are offering (and how this offers solutions to their pain points)
- Buy what you sell in a fun, interactive way
- Deepen their trust in your offerings and expertise
- Create a personal connection and future nurturing of client relationships
Above all, in-person or virtual spa events kickstart a new revenue stream outside of the treatment room that can be done regardless of the season.
The Importance of Spa Event Goals
The three main types of spa events are as follows:
- New service or product events
- Client appreciation events
- Holiday events
The end goal for each of these is the same: to sell, to increase your bookings, and to bolster both your client acquisition and retention!
Honing in on which of these three end goals to prioritize will work as the structure of each segment of your spa event, all the way from the beginning stages to the final send-off.
As Launch-Certified spa coaches, we wanted to share how to use those goals to make the most of your 8-week launch plan to maximize event sales: this starts with the specific actions happening within specific weeks of that 8-week launch plan.
Why Spas Need an 8-Week Launch Plan to Maximize Their Event Sales (and How to Leverage Yours)
Take a page from the spa coaching industry and put on your project manager hat: by making your 8-week launch plan strategic, you will be able to serve new and existing clients in a way that is more scalable to your business, in a way that’s easier on spa owners’ energy because of more automation and managing client expectations, and, of course, in a way that serves your clients in a way that they want.
The First 5 Weeks
The first 5 weeks of launch prep is made up of:
- Strategy and decision-making
- Answer “Who” (who is it geared towards?), “What” (what are you offering or promoting?), “When” (when is it launching?), “Where” (will it be in-person or virtual), and “Why” (what is the purpose of this spa event launch?)
- Write compelling and cohesive opt-ins, social media content, email marketing content, website content, and other spa copy to promote and educate on your upcoming event
- Designing your sales page, which will be what you direct your clients to for more information on your event (as well as how to sign up)
- Uploading emails and scheduling sequences
- Pro tip: if you are not already in the habit of emailing frequently, start now! Warming up your audience will get them in the right headspace to open and act on the event-related emails you send out
- Ask yourself if list-building is needed for successful email marketing and, if so, your spa may need another month of list-building tactics in order to have enough people to launch your event to
- Create related social media content and graphics to keep your event top of mind
- Test all links and automation before rolling it out to avoid any hiccups (and trust us, you will have hiccups!)
Week 6 and 7
Now that your launch prep is complete in the first 5 weeks, now it’s time for the sales event; this is where clients can make their purchases, as well as when your offer will stay open for a few days after your spa event has ended in order to maximize sales.
In short, week 6 is the sales event and launch period to build up your event where there is more opportunity to sell and serve.
This can happen both in-spa and virtually. (Be sure to leverage online communities as well, such as my spa-owners-only Facebook group Spa Business Mastery!)
Round it Off On Week 8
Week 8 is all about debriefing (especially if you have a team!) and data analysis.
- If you are new to events, know that debriefing and data analysis will act as a benchmark for all of your future events. It’s a non-skippable step!
- Track and analyze your sales page conversions, email open rates, CTR (clickthrough rate), and overall event sales
- Once that data is collected, break down each statistic so that you know what worked, what didn’t, and what could be improved on next time
COVID-19 has accelerated e-commerce by 5 years… that means that spa owners should be acting now to leverage their online sales capabilities!
If you want us here at Kirsten Foss Coaching to handle these spa event launch steps for you (or guide you every step of the way), we’d love to lend a hand: reach out today to get the ball rolling!
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