Rock Solid Focus = Rock Solid Sales
May 11, 2021“What you put focus on grows.”
“The grass is greener where you water it.”
“You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results by focusing on the actions that produce results.”
Do any of these quotes sound familiar? If so, then you have probably already looked into why rock solid focus = rock solid sales for your spa business!
While everyone in the spa industry wants more sales, bigger paychecks, and more consistent bookings, the truth is that sales simply aren’t being focused on in the way they should be in the spa industry.
In today’s blog, I dive deep into why perspective is crucial when it comes to solid sales, three tried-and-true tips for nailing down consistent sales, and what the magic ingredient is for aligning your focus and your sales goals.
It’s All About Perspective When It Comes to Rock Solid Focus and Rock Solid Sales
Let me paint a (likely!) familiar scenario: you or your spa manager notice that sales are low… especially retail sales.
Oh no! With panic mode immediately engaged, your spa boss prompts the team to sell more. This means pre-booking more appointments and pushing more retail.
In turn, the spa team becomes frustrated because this often comes across in a way that insinuates that their boss doesn’t believe that they’re trying to sell. This can kick-start what has been labelled the Four Horsemen Toxic Communication Styles: stonewalling, defensiveness, criticism, and contempt.
(And guess what? When no one in a spa business feels heard, trust is broken, communication disintegrates, and sales begin to suffer even more due to a lack of synergy. This can even happen to solo spa owners if they don’t keep an open dialogue with themselves about why sales aren’t up to par!)
The main issue in both this scenario and many other similar common scenarios is that spa sales-centric pep talks do not take into consideration the big-picture issue, which is that there isn’t a spa sales system in place to support the strong, sustainable sales the business is seeking out.
More specifically, there are three distinct non-negotiable sales systems you need to have in place to see long-term rock solid sales:
- A sales training system
- A sales tracking system
- A sales marketing system
Three Tried-And-True Tips for Achieving Rock Solid Focus and Rock Solid Sales in Your Spa Business
Now that the three sales systems that you need to have in place have been outlined, it’s time to delve into the three accompanying tips to ensure that your spa business’s full sales potential is realized.
#1: Focus On Clarity
Ensuring that you are 100% clear on the difference between features, benefits, and ideal clients is the first step to solid sales.
Why? Because many estheticians, skin therapists, and even spa owners stumble over their words when it comes to product or service recommendations. That’s why ongoing training is so critical! Practicing consistently with flash cards, creating sales scripts for you or your team (especially scripts that involve overcoming client objections), and updating this training as your spa business changes or evolves is your ticket to narrowing your focus down on how to successfully generate more sales long-term.
#2: Opt In to the 80/20 Principle
A method that I also use for Kirsten Foss Coaching’s social media management clients in order to best promote their services. The 80/20 principle, in the treatment room, goes like this: keep 80% of the conversation to sales and 20% to personal chit-chat. This will mitigate the risk of having to hard-switch from talking about your personal life to selling, which is a trap service providers often fall into!
Bonus: Another way to frame this is 80% educational and 20% sales. After all, clients need to be approached from the perspective of educating customers vs. blatantly selling to them. When clients buy, it’s because they can identify with the solution being offered. That’s why clear communication, a focus on education, and keeping personal talk to a minimum almost always nets a “yes”!
#3: Pick a Spa Business Metric to Focus on Each Week
Whether it be pre-booking, retail ratios, average ticket price, or the number of products sold, rotating the spa business metric that is being focused on each week will help paint a clearer overall picture of which sales areas need improvement (and which are doing well!)
Speaking of focus, that leads us to…
Focus: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient to Long-Term Spa Sales Success
When it comes to improving any aspect of a spa business, the not-so-secret magic ingredient is focus. This is easy in theory but, in practice, is oftentimes one of the biggest challenges for spa owners, estheticians, and skin therapists alike!
To start on your journey to re-focusing on your sales, reevaluate what is on your list of to-do’s in terms of new growth initiatives. It’s likely that you have some amazing sales opportunities that just need to be nurtured with some supplementary training and team coaching!
Looking for professional help to get started? Reach out today to book a VIP Spa Sales Day to get your system set up to start smashing those sales goals.
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