My Spa Needs an Overhaul! How Much Change Is Too Much?

My Spa Needs an Overhaul! How Much Change Is Too Much?

spa systems Aug 11, 2022

“My spa needs an overhaul! How much change is too much?”

Spa owners, you wouldn’t believe the number of coaching clients I’ve chatted with recently who have said those exact words– so if you’ve been struggling with the “how much is too much?” mentality when it comes to switching up how your spa is run, take this blog as the sign you’ve been looking for to buckle down and kick that overhaul into action

First Things First: Goals Tunnel-Vision 

When you schedule a Get Acquainted Call with me as a coaching client, I have you fill out a short intake form so that I can get to know your business, what isn’t currently working to further your business, and, of course, both your six-month and 12-month goals.

And you know what I notice? Spa owners have very aggressive leadership, team, and sales goals that they want to achieve within that 12-month mark… but gloss over the stack of issues that stand as a hurdle between them and those goals!

So what’s the issue? It all boils down to one word: time.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race, Spa Owners

The fact of the matter (as you know first-hand!) is that the bulk of spa owners are frantically busy in their current business, which inevitably makes carving the necessary time out to implement big changes hard. 

This means that, when it comes to overhauling your spa business, it’s not actually a matter of how much change is too much change; rather, it’s about how much time you’re willing to give yourself in order to thoroughly implement the changes necessary for long-term improvement.

As a former spa business owner myself, I know exactly how hard it is to get into the mindset of cutting out the things in your biz that you shouldn’t be doing yourself (even though, yes, I completely understand how it feels like less hassle to just do it yourself vs. delegating it to staff!) but trust me when I say that the “I need to do everything myself” mentality is the number one thing holding you back from achieving the spa growth you’re striving towards.

When you have a lot of change in your biz (namely wanting to implement a new recruiting and hiring system, looking to improve your marketing results, and seeing a long-term uptick in profitability) each new change requires a strong strategy behind it… which takes time to build! There are simply so many details required for each system to net you results that it takes time to get them right.

“My Spa Needs an Overhaul…. So Where Do I Start?”

It’s not that I want to rain on your parade when it comes to spa business growth– in fact, I’m always thrilled when owners are ready to make changes! I just needed to get you in the right mentality to act on my three expert tips below.

Here’s how to effectively conduct a spa business overhaul, broken down into three phases:

  • Focus on priority of change: If you could change just one thing about your business to see the most impact, what would you change first? Focus on that aspect before moving on to the next change in your priority list. (And if you don’t know what to prioritize, that’s your cue to reach out for your own Get Acquainted Call with me!)
  • Consider industry seasonality: Why enact big changes in the middle of your busiest time of the year? Look back on your biz statistics to see which months are typically slow for you and schedule your spa growth initiatives for then so you’re not juggling both a mass influx of clients and creating/recreating your spa’s systems.
  • Know you have the support you need to grow: You’ve got this, spa owner! Just don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it. This can come in the form of a business coach, hiring a spa manager to take over recurring daily management tasks, or time and emotional support from family and friends.

…All this isn’t to say that you can’t make massive changes in just six to 12 months–it’s just that you’ll need to prioritize in order to make those changes an effective reality.

And if you’re ready to take action on your spa overhaul? Book your VIP Day today to make it happen!


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