moving a successful brow business to a new city

Moving a Successful Brow Business to a New City

#interview #reginafelix Jul 27, 2021


Moving a successful brow business to a new city: I had the pleasure of sitting down with none other than Regina Felix of Build Your Brow Biz, a successful “Brow Diva” with a 27-year career (and counting!) in the spa industry.

 As spa owners, you may have to pick up shop and move for any of the following reasons:

  • A spouse or loved one’s work opportunity
  • Caring for an ailing family member or loved one
  • Perceived lack of opportunity in your current location
  • ...Simply wanting a change for yourself!

If this reality (or potential one!) speaks to you, then this blog is for you: Regina and I shine a spotlight on opportunities that moving your spa business may have in store for you… and why you should embrace the change!

A Background on Regina Felix and Build Your Brow Biz (and Her Big Move to Arizona!)

Regina’s expertise is built upon growing clients’ natural brows and providing leadership for others within the niche of the natural brow design business. She is an award-winning brow artist originally based out of South California; in the mid-90’s when she began her beauty career, she found her niche early on and leaned into her love of natural brow design.

“[The move] wasn’t even really a decision,” she recalls. “Moving to Arizona was this thought that entered my universe and simply wouldn’t leave. My son and I had always joked about moving to Arizona but, after 27 years, I felt that I couldn’t leave my brow business: it wasn’t like I had a job where I could request a transfer!

“[...] I made six figures in my brow biz, I loved my clientele, and thought that there was no way I could move… and then COVID hit. I was out of work for about six months and, in that six month period, that thought of, ‘Oh my gosh, I need to move, I need to leave, I need to work’, stuck around. As time went on that thought about moving to Arizona became stronger and stronger. On a whim, we visited Arizona (the first time ever for me!) and my family and I looked at each other with this clarity and knew that it felt right. There was this realization that my life wasn’t just being ‘Regina Brows’ and that I needed to do what I felt was meant to be for me, not just for my business.”

What Embracing Change Teaches Us as Spa Business Owners

Something we chat about frequently in my spa owners-only Facebook group, Spa Business Mastery, is embracing change. Embracing change is a skill that drives forward momentum in both our personal and professional lives, keeps you growing as a person, and works to free you from self-doubt and insecurity.

So often, spa business owners broke into the industry by being service providers; as such, they oftentimes feel that they “owe” it to their clients and their business to keep in their routine. This can come in the form of having long-term clients that you are concerned about losing, insecurity about not being able to effectively grow your business, or having your business consume the entirety of your personal goals.

Regina proves that none of this has to be the case. “I currently commute back to South California for my long-term clients back there for one week of each month,” she explains. “I’ll continue doing that as long as I can. They say to me, ‘Regina, I’m freaking out: you’re going to leave! What am I going to do without you?’ That made me realize that, yeah, I might… maybe in three months, maybe in six… but that we should just focus on the ‘now’! I get a lot of fulfillment there and make that week out of every month worth it.”

As I guide coaching clients through frequently, Regina has also seen major delays in regards to their build-out… to which I always say, “When planning a build-out, double your anticipated timeline!” While Regina is now set to open her new physical location in mid-July, this is a fantastic reminder to give yourself a timeline buffer… especially in the wake of COVID-19!

Moving Your Spa Business? Here’s Tips on How to Nurture New Client Leads

“As someone who coaches other brow designers… I now have to do everything I’ve been telling other entrepreneurs to do!” she says. “I already had a good following on Instagram, which is how I got the majority of my new clients, so I started becoming more aggressive in my social media strategy and kept adding new clients to my waitlist.”

This is something my team here at Kirsten Foss Coaching recommends for our spa digital marketing clients: that includes establishing brand authority and fostering both old and new client relationships via a steady posting cadence, a well-researched hashtag strategy, a multi-channel approach, and thought-out social media content that speaks to both your promotional and relationship-driven goals (short term and long-term!)

Spa owners who are planning on moving can begin marketing to their new location in advance in order to leverage new consumerism and locational interest. Branch out early! It’s never too early to begin building up media that can then be used for your new location’s marketing campaign and lead generation.

Have a Question or Comment About Moving Your Spa Business? Reach Out to Regina Brows or Us Here at Kirsten Foss Coaching Today!

“If I could tell a spa biz owner who is thinking of moving one thing, it would be this: relax!” says Regina. “Know that you have it within yourself to build another business elsewhere. You are your own magic, so wherever you go, your business is there too.”

Reach out to Regina or us here at Kirsten Foss Coaching today for further discussion and coaching on how to succeed anywhere, reinvent your business any time, and how to not pigeonhole yourself… no matter how long or short you’ve been in the industry!


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