Hosting a Spa Fall Event? 3 Critical Launch Steps to Start Now!
Aug 17, 2021Hosting a spa Fall event? Today, my spa marketing manager, Delia, and I are detailing the 3 critical launch steps to start now for a successful spa Fall event… whether it be hosted in-person or online!
As Event Launch Certified spa industry professionals, Delia and I have detailed the importance of goal-building, intention-setting, and, of course, starting early for spa events. Especially if you’ve hosted a spa event before, you’ll know that, in 2021 and beyond, now is the time to start working smarter (versus harder!) for your spa event launches.
If any of the following has happened to you, then you know that it’s a sign to bookmark this blog for future reference:
- You’ve hosted spa events before… only to have your show-up rates not be as good as you’d anticipated
- Your spa event sales were average, and you felt as though you could have sold more if you had given yourself more time to prep
- Your team wasn’t as organized or as involved in the spa event launch as you’d wanted them to be
- You weren’t prepared with enough product orders
- You know you spent time and energy on the wrong aspects of the pre-launch
- Your past spa event launches left you feeling drained and/or overwhelmed
- You feel discouraged from partaking in future spa event launches
Well, we here at Kirsten Foss Coaching are here to tell you that it absolutely does not have to be this way! Here are 3 critical launch steps to start now to make sure that your upcoming spa Fall event is as much of a breeze as it is a success.
Step #1: Don’t Jump Ahead. Instead, Start With A Strategy
As we chat at length about in our spa owners-only Facebook support group, Spa Business Mastery, the best way to get overwhelmed is to jump ahead. Instead, start with a strategy to keep your Fall spa event focused, profitable and manageable.
Our favourite way to organize our thoughts is in a simple Google Doc! To break the “perfectionism, procrastination, paralysis” loop that afflicts so many in the spa industry, we recommend first to dump all of their thoughts, ideas, and goals into the Google Doc of your choice. Remember: these don’t have to be perfect by any means! Instead, use this brain dump as an opportunity to narrow down your goals, concerns, and timeline. This will be the basis of your spa event strategy. (For example, is your goal to sell a brand-new product to existing clients? Then your strategy and timeline will orbit around what needs to happen to make that a success.)
Step #2: Write Your Sales Copy
Once you have the “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, and “why” of your strategy sorted, it’s now time to write your sales copy.
For a standard eight-week spa event launch, your sales copy will include both a sales page (where your clients will be funneled towards in order to buy products, sign up, etc.) and 7 - 10 pre-sales emails. In our digital marketing work for spas just like yours, we also recommend a series of post-sales emails as well to keep your audience interested and engaged in the goings-ons of your spa (and even future events!)
This is particularly impactful for November spa event launches, in which you would want to keep clients buying all through the Christmas season.
Step #3: Tally The Tools and Ideas You’ll Be Using For Your Next Spa Event Launch
Once you are finished with these steps, it is crucial to look back and tally the tools and ideas you’ll be using for your next spa event launch. Was a Google Doc streamlined enough or have you learned that you prefer an Excel spreadsheet? Did your set timeline go to plan or have you learned that you need to give yourself more wiggle room? Did certain email headlines receive significantly more open rates than others? Growing as you go is all part of the process!
As a general rule of thumb, these initial planning steps should take you about 3 weeks (out of an 8 week event launch) to complete. If you know you are hosting a spa event either online or in-spa but also know you don’t have the time, the mental bandwidth, or the digital marketing experience to do it right, outsource to the Kirsten Foss Coaching team today to have your Fall spa event launch dreams achieved!
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