The REAL Cost of Doing Your Own Social Media Marketing

The REAL Cost of Doing Your Own Social Media Marketing

Aug 31, 2018

As a spa owner, being visible on social media is extremely important. Even if your new clients are primarily coming from referrals, I guarantee they still take a look at your Facebook or Instagram profiles to make sure you seem established and professional. 

Visibility is not the only key to social media success. Consistent and strategic posting, engagement with potential clients, and researching hashtags are all important pieces to the social media puzzle. 

Think of social media in terms of a relationship. In order to follow you, a potential client must first be "attracted" to you. They need to find your content interesting and feel like they have something in common with you. They need to gain your trust. Portraying this through your social media posts all while discreetly marketing and educating takes strategic planning and research. In short, it takes a lot of TIME. Time that as a spa owner you likely don't have.

As a coach to spa business owners, I am constantly preaching that it is important to outsource your lower level tasks. Focus on your areas of expertise (your spa skill set and client experience) and hire someone else to take over the rest. With the soft launch of my spa specific virtual assistant business, I really wanted to nail down how much of your precious time social media marketing really takes up. 

Watch the live below as I break down the costs of doing your own social media and what you COULD be doing with that time! Beta Testing for social media services is now open, so please click the "Let's Get Acquainted" button below the video to receive more information and to schedule your call! 


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