Spa Cancellation Policies

Spa Cancellation Policies

leadership Jun 07, 2016

Hands-down, one of the most frustrating aspects of spa ownership are clients who chronically no-show and come late to their appointments. 

Why? Because, as spa owners, we sell time… and once time is gone, there’s no getting it back.

If this keeps happening to you, it’s not only the client who is contributing to the issue: as a spa owner, there’s a deeper personal learning curve that needs to be explored.

“What You Put Up With, You End Up With”

My favourite Timber Hawkeye quote perfectly encompasses no-show or chronically late clients.

At its core, the real issue behind no-show/late clients is boundaries: as a spa owner, things will crop up that make you sad, angry, or frustrated… which gives you the opportunity for self-reflection for leadership, accountability, and boundaries. Setting healthy boundaries for clientele can include spa cancellation policies, but many lack consequences. Is there a late fee? A deposit for no-showers? Even these simple inclusions can save your sanity as a spa owner.

No-Showers and Latecomers: One of the Best Life Lessons

While irritating, no-showers and latecomers are truly some of the best life lessons when you’re a spa business owner. In fact, William Ury’s how-to, “The Power of a Positive No”, is one of my favourite examples that shows just how empowering it can be to learn how and when to put your foot down (especially as a female business owner!)

Because spa owners are all about making people feel good, it can be difficult to put our foot down. However, that’s stunting both your business growth and your growth as a leader. Making the change now and setting those clear boundaries is something that can be done today, and trust me: you’ll thank yourself for it! And if you’re struggling with it? William Ury outlines a simple way to positively tell people “no” in both your work and personal life.

My personal favourite strategy of his? His yes-no-yes strategy. It goes like this:

  • Say “yes” to your personal and professional boundaries

  • Say “no” to the inconvenience

  • Say “yes” to talking to your client. (For example: “Yes, we’d be happy to re-book you. Please provide a credit card for a deposit.”)

And if your client gets upset? That’s fine. Say it with me: that’s fine. And remember that setting boundaries does not make you mean.

Reach out Today

Contact me today for help setting those boundaries and getting your spa back on track.

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