How to Start Up Levelling Your Spa Business
Apr 12, 2016Do you want to up level your spa business, but not sure which next steps are the best to set you up for success?
Not all my private coaching clients came to me with suffering bottom lines. Many asked for my help because they wanted more from their business.
How do you leverage great spa sales into more of the same? And how do you find more fulfillment in an already great career?
Get super clear about your finances.
Even if you are already doing really well in spa sales, chances are you were one of those spa owners who has a great business head and seem to have a ‘knack’ for getting this part right, even without much business training.
But often these spa owners still haven’t fully utilized financial tools like cash flow forecasting or using spa industry benchmarks to create goals for the spa as a whole and for each their team members.
And when they do fine-tune their finances with these tools…Woah! All of a sudden they are able to see a very clear path to generating even more sales. More than they could have seen before they knew what to look for.
Clear Information + Clear Goals = Clear Business Outcomes (Cash)! Tweet this!
In which part of your career do you want to play a bigger game?
Part of the beauty of being human in the first world is our right to make choices. Remember how exciting it was when you first got started with your spa business? You finally had the opportunity to do it your way.
If you are preparing to make decisions about the next steps in your career, this is your chance to go deep into self-reflection and tease out what your next heart-based mission as a spa owner is. You get to do it "your way" again...only this time, bigger and more profound.
Do you still love providing treatments? Maybe this specific passion fuels you to expand your spa to accommodate more guests. Has nutrition become a big part of your life? Maybe it’s time to uniquely incorporate your knowledge into spa treatments. Do you love educating & training? Maybe it’s time to look at creating a school to share your smarts with the rest of the industry? Don’t be afraid to think really big!
All of these ideas about your next steps can feel overwhelming. But to be clear, you don’t need to know what Step 50 is of your I-Want-To-Become-A-Nutritionist-Plan, for example. The momentum starts with being clear about what fulfills you and building on that idea. I highly recommend reading Tara Mohr's book Playing Big if the thought scares the sh*t out of you!
Where do you want to go from here? Start with asking yourself "What's important to me? How can I leave a bigger mark on the world?" Leave a comment and let me know what steps you're thinking about taking, even if they feel too big!
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