Does Your Spa's Website Need An Update?

Does Your Spa's Website Need An Update?

Sep 07, 2018

Does your spa's website need an update? 

With registration of my fall spa business lab now open, I have been talking a lot about growth initiatives for your spa. In fact, two weeks ago I gave you a list of popular growth initiatives for spa owners to get your started. Today I want to talk about your website, what it may be lacking, and why it just might be the perfect growth initiative for your spa. 

When I look at spa owner's websites, there is one common weak link across the board. 

Your service descriptions. 

When a potential client is viewing your services, they are really trying to match up what spa service is the best fit for their needs. If your spa's service descriptions are too vague, they will simply click away, leaving your website feeling like your spa is not able to fix their issues. 

When creating a service description there are 3 main things you MUST include! 

1. The identifier. This is where you really catch the client's attention by giving them information that will relate to their pain points. What are they struggling with? Do they struggle with acne even though they are in their 40's? Are they they looking in the mirror and only seeing their sun spots or their aging skin? Touch on the pain points of your potential clients and they will immediately be hooked on the idea that YOU may be the answer to all of their skin care problems! 

2. Tools and products. This is a simple piece of information, but one that is often left out. Today's consumer wants to be educated before investing in a service. This is the perfect way to leave them feeling educated while allowing yourself to be viewed as the expert! 

3. Advantages. Make sure you are explaining the benefits of each service. This is the final step that is going to make a potential client say "Oh, I want THAT!". 

When updating your website it is also important to manage your own expectations. Do not expect to sit down and update your spa's service descriptions in one night. Start by chunking out 2-4 hours once a week to devote to your project. Outline your spa's services in bullet points first, and then come back with fresh eyes and turn those bullet points into sentences that beautifully and completely describe your spa's services! If you need a little extra push with your spa's fall growth initiatives, join my fall spa business lab! Click the image below for more information and to reserve your spot. 

Watch the Facebook Live video below to learn more about the website updates you need to make for best results, including where to position your services and how to attract your ideal client! 


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