Are You Hitting Your Spa Sales?

Are You Hitting Your Spa Sales?

cash flow sales Apr 08, 2018

Are you seeing a disconnect between your monthly goals and your end of the month outcomes? Does it feel like a lot of effort and no pay off? 

Are your sales numbers too big?

  • Is it overwhelming to you and your team?

  • Smaller numbers feel attainable. Break it down.

  • Change goals from monthly to weekly, or daily.

  • Divide the number between your staff.

Are your sales tactics stale?

  • Implement a sales system that feels comfortable, and is part of the guest experience

  • Map out what YOU are doing.

  • Identify gaps and make changes

Are you consistent?

  • Are your staff consistent?

  • How do you hold them accountable to the spa system you have implemented.

More about this here:

A big eye opener for me was cash flow forecasting. It gave me control of my cash flow again. This is one of many important skills we talk about and develop in my Cash Strapped to Cash Flow course, starting April 11.

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