All In or Compromise Everything
Feb 18, 2018When you hire, it is a huge responsibility as a spa owner.
The expectations and habits we have picked up over time as employees have created some detrimental results for your spa team. It leads to hurt feelings, being under valued and you face struggles with staff retention.
Two things I hear consistently:
Spa owners hire so they can be absent: Sometimes that means so they can travel, or spend more time in the treatment room. But often what they mean is they want to be absent with leadership, with training. They want the team to know exactly why you want them to do and execute. The problem is if you are unwilling to show up for your team, you can not have expectations they will show up for you. You must nurture and grow these relationships.
Spa Owners expect magical speedy growth. Social Media and marketing, have given us this false sense that there is some amazing way to suddenly become an overnight success. Its not one action that dramatically changes anything. Its small incremental things that you doing that slowly but surely build momentum.
"The secret to mediocrity is chronic inconsistency"
When you have a team you are either all in or you compromise everything. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is when I compromised my leadership I compromised my company. You must first understand and manage your own expectations before you can manage others
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